An AC Gymnastics Booking Form must be completed before you attend a class or camp.
Once you have booked onto a course or camp the terms fees will then be due.
Payment can be made via bacs or paypal.
The cost of the Gymnastics Awards and Badges are included in the terms fees.
AC Gymnastics has an optional club uniform and personalised items . To order please visit the Club Uniform Shop page.
Throughout the year there are various opportunities for the gymnasts to take part in different performances. These will either be school summer fetes, school assemblies, shows, medal tests and examinations.
Please ensure your child uses the toilet before each class.
The children need to be in barefoot and wear shorts & t-shirt or the club uniform.
Please make sure your child has a drink with them for their class.
Unfortunately there isn't enough room in the studio for parents to stay and watch.
The last week of term will be viewing week. The gymnastics floor space will be reduced for this class. You will be invited to come in and watch a class performance. Awards will also be presented to the children at this time.
Please request to join our members only Facebook page “AC Gymnastics (members only)” for all up to date class information and news.